How to use a compound interest calculator
When used FOR you, compound interest is a POWERFUL force for wealth building that allows your money to grow at a faster rate.
Use this guide to estimate your investment's growth potential!
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From Here to Wealth Course

Investing + Wealth Building
Made Simple
Learn how to start investing and building wealth without all of the confusing 'bro' jargon.
(I promise you investing doesn't have to be that way).
You only learn what you need to learn in order to succeed, and nothing more. No hot shot Wolf of Wall Street shenanigans here.
Hi! I'm Jess.
After paying off over $113,000 in student loans before turning 30, I developed a blazing desire to learn all things around investing and wealth building.
By the age of 34, I had gone from a very negative net worth to over $200k - alone, living in a city, and not on a big salary.
I have a fierce passion for finance, and I am on a mission to help anyone I can change their money situation through building real and lasting wealth.